Rules of conduct in the forest

Welcome to the Bocq Valley, a beautiful and special piece of nature. To keep it accessible for everyone and to protect nature, a number of rules of conduct apply here. To discover the valley, several walking and cycling routes have been set out.

Please respect the following rules of conduct:

    • Stay on the paths and roads at all times.
    • Not to enter the forest between sunset and sunrise
    • Prevent litter and noise pollution
    • Avoid damaging flora and fauna and disturbing the animal environment
    • No dams or rapids are allowed in the Bocq (the small river that flows past the campsite).
    • Fishing in the river is allowed at the campground, provided you have a valid fishing license.
    • Keep in mind hunting season; part of the valley is not accessible then (watch for signs).
    • Fire is not allowed in the forest.
    • It is not allowed to walk on the train track




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